Name Sarah Klockars-Clauser

Location Wallingford, PA

Member since 2007-11-14 10:30:40

About me
Illustrator, Photographer, Art Teacher, Free culture Advocate

Apple iPhone
Canon PowerShot A95
Panasonic DMC-LX5

| Study | Light | Reflections | Water
| Nature | Flowers
| Arts | Sculpture
| Landscapes | Beaches
| Concepts | Struggle
| Colors | Yellow
| Landscapes | Urban
| Study | Still Life
| Texture | Ice
| Nature | Forests
| Colors | White
| Colors | Pink
| Colors | Green
| Nature | Flowers | Roses
| Colors | Red
| Study | Light
| Nature | Trees
| Animals | Fish | Aquarium
| Landscapes | Water | Oceans
| Animals | Insects | Butterflies
| Study | Shapes | Pointy
| Concepts | Conservation
| Concepts | Simplicity
| Colors | Blue
| Arts | Creative
| Food | Drinks
| Photo | Macro
| Study | Geometry
| Concepts | Beauty
| Study | Still Life | Abstract
| Photo | Focus
| Photo | Composition
| Colors | Black and White
| Photo | Depth of Field
| Landscapes | Water
| Texture
| Places | Cities | Mexico City
| Arts | Painting
| Descriptions | Scary
| People | Professions | Artists
| Landscapes | Urban | Streets
| Portraits | Children
| Animals | Insects
| Concepts | Security
| Concepts | Imprisonment
| Colors | Orange
| Recreation
| Texture | Rust
| Concepts | Decay
| Concepts | Deconstruction
| Colors
| Texture | Fabric
| Nature | Seasons | Winter
| Nature | Seasons | Summer
| Nature | Wildflowers
| Concepts | Antiques
| People | Children
| Concepts | Love
| Food | Fruit
| Colors | Purple
| Animals | Birds
| Animals | Exotic
| Life | Health
| Colors | Brown
| Study | Light | Sunlight
| Texture | Organic
| Nature | Seasons | Autumn
| Texture | Metal
| Life | Objects
| Food | Table Setting
| Study | Light | Internal
| Nature | Plants
| Concepts | Strength
| Food
| Architecture | Castles
| Texture | Inorganic
| Animals | Arachnidae
| Feelings | Fear
| Concepts | Building
| Landscapes
| Study | Shapes | Star
| Life | Death
| Nature | Environment
| Study | Shapes | Round
| Nature | Seasons | Spring
| Concepts | Innocence
| Nature | Flowers | Orchids
| Life | Objects | Toys
| Texture | Plastic
| Portraits
| Study | Fabrics & Textiles
| Photo | Cameras
| Study | Light | Reflections
| Descriptions | Cute
| Architecture
| Concepts | Complexity
| Life | Garbage
| Study
| Life | Garbage
| Animals | Cats
| Animals | Cats | Pets
| Concepts
| Concepts | Safety
| Texture | Glass
| Texture | Wood
| Photo
| Study | Shapes
| Concepts | Vacation
| Places | Countries | Mexico
| Architecture | Churches
| Architecture | Historic - Heritage
| Animals
| Nature
| Study | Perspective
| Study | Light | External
| Study | Motion
| Landscapes | Underwater
| Arts
| Technology
| People
| Concepts | Learning
| Life | Literature
| Concepts | Education
| Nature | Seasons
| People | Professions
| Architecture | Ruins
| Places | Landmarks
| Concepts | Inspiration
| Life | Travel
| Concepts | Achievement
| Architecture | Urban
| People | Waiting
| Life | Culture
| Architecture | Rural
| Landscapes | Rural
| Recreation | Games
| Study | Still Life | Abstract | Psychedelic
| Concepts | Evil
| Life | Outdoors
| Animals | Arachnidae | Spiders
| Nature | Flowers | Cactus
| Animals | Insects | Beetles
| Concepts | Growth
| Technology | Computers | Apple
| Technology | Computers
| Holidays | Halloween
| Concepts | Horror
| Life | Parenting
| Study | Shapes | Square
| Holidays
| Feelings | Fun
| Life
| Feelings | Love
| Concepts | Measure
| Life | Signs
| Study | Light | Shadows
| Descriptions | Fluffy
| Descriptions | Soft
| Texture | Stone
| Nature | Grass
| Colors | Rainbow
| Feelings | Hope
| Life | Illness
| Concepts | Purity
| Holidays | Valentines Day
| Concepts | Education | Classroom Images
| | Education
| Animals | Fish
| Colors | Black
| Descriptions | Small
| Concepts | Decision
| Concepts | Freedom
| Photo | Image Mosaics
| Concepts | Friendship
| Feelings | Happyness
| Life | Leisure
| Nature | Flowers | Poppy
| Living Spaces | Gardens
| Nature | Leaves
| Concepts | Time
| Nature | Shells
| Feelings | Sadness
| Holidays | Mothers Day
| Holidays | Back to School
| Holidays | Easter
| Arts | Fashion
| Nature | Flowers | Daisy
| Concepts | Humor
| Technology | Automobiles
| Nature | Flowers | Daffodils
| Animals | Insects | Praying Mantis
| Life | Death | Skulls
| Photo | Process
| Commercially Available
| Concepts | Creativity
| Texture | Brick
| Architecture | Walls
| People | Men
| Concepts | Healing
| Concepts | Thought
| Life | Injury - Illness
| Concepts | Risk
| People | Professions | Medical
| Colors | Grey
| Descriptions | Delicate
| Technology | Books
| Food | Drinks | Wine
| Landscapes | Industrial
| Concepts | Danger
| Concepts | Failure
| Life | Events | Tragedy
| Nature | Weather | Fog
| Concepts | Nostalgia
| Food | Vegetables
| Study | Light | Refraction
| People | Women
| Animals | Arachnidae | Spiders | Webs
| Concepts | Peace
| Photo | Alternative Process
| Architecture | Interior
| Architecture | Rural | Historic
| Feelings | Calm
| Nature | Weather | Snow
| Technology | Locks
| Photo | Xray
| Skies | Space
| Skies | Planets
| Arts | Lettering
| Nature | Flowers | Chrysanthemum
| Descriptions | Creepy
| Texture | Water
| Nature | Flowers | Peony
| Commented Images
| Popular